By  Matthew Schultz PT, DPT, CSCS
If you go to any popular surf break in southern California on a given morning, you’ll notice surfers stretching on the beach. The majority of surfers tend to perform static stretching, where one position is held for a sustained amount of time. If you think about the demands and loading of surfing, this is not necessarily the best way to prepare the body prior to paddling out. Surfing is a very dynamic sport with a heavy demand on trunk and lower body rotation. While stretching certainly has its place, a proper surf warm up should prep the body for the demands placed upon it once in the water. Here are three movements to try before you paddle out next that will more functionally prepare your body for the demands of surfing and improve the quality of your first wave.
Toe Touches w/ Thoracic Rotation
(10 reps each side)
The ability to rotate through the thoracic spine is critical for driving out of your bottom turn Performing repeated reps of this exercise prior to paddling out will help ensure your thoracic spine is ready to rotate.
90/90 Hip Rotations
(5 reps each side)
Hip mobility is critical when performing top turns and carving, as well as doing more basic motions such as popping up. Being able to adequately rotate through the hips will allow for more power and flow through carves.
Supine Tabletop Trunk Rotations
(5 reps each side)
Dissociating pelvic and trunk rotation is a key aspect of doing larger rail carves.
Give these three movements a try before your next surf session. If you have any questions or
struggle with any of these motions, please reach out to a physical therapist today!