Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
If you suffer from vertigo or dizziness, it might feel like you’re trapped in more ways than one; you probably have balance issues, have a hard time doing daily activities, and maybe even feel demotivated to try anything new or go anywhere. However, there is a therapy that is very effective at treating both vertigo and dizziness and some of the medical conditions that cause these symptoms. Vestibular Rehabilitation, or VRT, is a unique type of physical therapy meant to treat visual issues, greatly reduce vertigo, and dizziness, and help prevent slips, trips, and falls.
At Evolution Physical Therapy, we have physical therapists who specialize in this distinct type of therapy and can start you on a customized regimen to relieve many of the symptoms caused by diseases that impact balance, gait, and general dizziness.
Where can I get Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
Evolution offers Vestibular Rehab therapy at most of our locations throughout California, Colorado, Connecticut, and Long Island, NY. Find your nearest location to schedule an appointment for an assessment today!
What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) is a type of physiotherapy that helps people with dizziness and balance issues. By doing specific exercises and techniques, VRT teaches the brain to better manage inner ear problems. VRT is great for conditions like vertigo, vestibular neuritis, and post-concussion syndrome, helping you get back to your daily activities and feel more steady on your feet.
Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
The greatest benefit of VRT is the reduction of symptoms, but the effects during and after treatment can include:
- Improved balance
- Reduced feelings of vertigo or dizziness, or elimination of it
- Enhanced coordination
- Reduced dependency on medication
- Improved daily life
- Improved cognitive function
Who should consider Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
There are specific diseases that can cause dizziness or balance issues which can be helped via Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy. As people age or suffer injury, they may also be impacted by symptoms. The following people may benefit from VRT:
- Those with Meniere’s disease
- Migraine-sufferers
- Anyone who experienced a head injury or concussion and notices visual or balance issues as a result
- People who’ve had a stroke
- Individuals with BPPV
- Elderly individuals with balance issues
Learn More About Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy at Your Nearest Evolution Location
Contact us today to see if Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is right for you!
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