Run Smart
Physio Pro is proud to present our Run-Smart program. This program is an injury prevention/enhancement program specifically designed for runners. Due to the repetitive nature of running, overuse and repetitive strain injuries are common. Many of these injuries can be avoided if faulty biomechanics and dysfunctional movement patterns are identified and treated. This “pre-hab” approach is evidence based and many professional teams and athletes have implemented such programs into the training regimes with enormous success.
Biomechanical Evaluation
Individuals will be evaluated using components of the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). In addition to the SFMA evaluation, your therapist will also assess your foot structure, limb alignment (static and dynamic), limb flexibility, and strength. Your examination findings will be discussed with you and you will be given a specifically tailored program to address any dysfunctional movement patterns, flexibility, or strength issues uncovered in your evaluation.
Run-Smart Gait / Running Video Analysis
The characteristics of the running cycle are difficult to analyze with the naked eye. The stance phase of running is less than 0.2 seconds. The human eye can only process information at speeds estimated around 16 frames per second. HD digital cameras allow us to analyze these high speed mechanics in high resolution at up to 1000 frames per second. For this reason using high speed 1080P HD video in conjunction with the appropriate gait analysis software is an invaluable tool in analyzing running/walking mechanics.
During a Run Smart Running Video Evaluation, 6 different views are filmed in high speed HD video and analyzed using gait analysis software in super slow-motion. Asymmetries, abnormal movement, positions of risk, and good/bad mechanics are identified and discussed with you. This analysis looks at the whole body. Normative data is used to compare your individual gait characterisitics with the “ideal” mechanics. For any abnomalities identified, corrective running drills will be introduced and incorporated into your treatment. Suggestions on shoe selection, orthotics, changes in cadence/ mechanics as well as any mobility/stability issues can also be made following this evaluation. A follow-up session can be made 6-8 weeks following interventions. Our software allows for side by side comparison and progress can be identified between the 2 sessions and interventions will be modified as appropriate.
Please dress in athletic attire and bring current and past running shoes / foot orthotics etc.
Our goal is to see less of the repetitive strain injuries in our clinic this summer!
Ideal Cadence Track
Download the MP3 track which is set at 180 steps per minute. We suggest you put this 2 minute track every 3-4 songs on your playlist and sync your steps to the metronome on the track when it comes on.
Learn More about Run Smart Training at Your Nearest Evolution Location
This program is an injury prevention/enhancement program specifically designed for runners.