Managing Hip Pain in Bikers

By Cory Szostowski PT, DPT, DN-C

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Biking is a repetitive movement that occurs mostly in the sagittal plane. The joints that require the largest range of motion (ROM) during the pedal stroke are the hip and knee. Thus, hips are a frequent area for riders to sustain non-traumatic injuries from lack of mobility/flexibility, morphology and overuse. Hip flexion is especially important to allow for proper hip hinge in chosen biking position, prevent impingement at top of the pedal stroke and ensure full activation of the posterior chain during power portion of the pedal cycle.

Here are some great hip mobility drills to work on to maximize performance on the bike and decrease risk of hip pain. Assess ROM after doing these mobilizations to determine change and improvement.

Supine Banded Hip Flexion Mobilization

(20-30 sec hold x 3-4 reps, each side)

Anchor a band in front of you as low as you can. Place the band in the groin of the hip you wish to stretch and move away until there is strong tension on the band. Lie on your back and use your hands to pull your knee towards your chest. Relax into the band allowing it to pull your hip downward.

Half-Kneeling Banded Hip Extension Mobilization

(20-30 sec hold x 3-4 reps, each side)

Anchor a band in front of you and place the band in the groin of the hip you wish to stretch. Move away from the band, so there is strong tension on the band. Kneel down on the leg you are stretching with the other leg out in front. Gently engage your core and slowly shift weight forward until you feel a pull in the front of the leg.

Banded Pigeon Mobilization

(20-30 sec hold x 3-4 reps, each side)

Anchor a band in front of you and place it in the groin of the hip you wish to stretch. Move away from the band so there is strong tension on the band. Get into pigeon position with the leg you’re stretching in front and gently engage your core. Then slowly sit backwards until you feel a pull in the back of your front hip. 

Quad Rocks w/ Banded Lateral Distraction

(20-30 sec hold x 3-4 reps, each side)

Anchor a band in front of you and place it in the groin of the hip you wish to stretch. Get on the ground on all fours with the leg you’re stretching closest to the anchored portion of the band. Gently engage core and rock hips backwards towards your heels until you feel a stretch in the back of our hip. 

You do not have to suffer with hip pain if you’re a biker or love cycling. Try out these exercises, and check out other ways to manage and mitigate pain here, for knee pain management, and here, for managing back pain. Additionally, please feel free to reach out with questions or to expand your mobility, performance or injury prevention program!

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