Physical Therapy Services

Physical Therapy, also called Physiotherapy or PT, is the practice of treating disease, injury, or deformity through physical methods such as massage, corrective exercise, and other techniques. A key element of Physical Therapy is that it takes a holistic approach to wellness and recovery, focusing on the whole person, including general lifestyle and health. Evolution Physical Therapy offers various Physical Therapy services to treat patients with all manner of injuries and conditions and help them achieve optimal recovery.

Physiotherapy serviced

How We Approach Physical Therapy

Our physical therapy team utilizes unique methods of manual therapy, blood flow restriction therapy, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, and other techniques to elevate the diagnosis and treatment of injury and help patients maintain a healthy lifestyle. We work diligently to create a customized treatment plan best suited to your specific needs and goals. In addition, we offer massage, pilates, and distinguished circuit classes taught by our therapists to incorporate with physical therapy treatment and deliver the most effective results possible.

Common Physical Therapy Services

Our PT services at Evolution use several hands-on techniques and are designed to manipulate, mobilize, and massage the tissues in the body. Below, explore our full range of physical therapy services available for patients of all ages and activity levels!

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Alter G

The Alter G-Trainer is an anti-gravity treadmill that works by reducing your effective body weight during exercise. At Evolution Physical Therapy, we use the Alter G to help patients run without pain, train through injuries, and supercharge their workouts.

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Assisted Stretching Session

Our physical therapists at Evolution perform assisted stretching sessions to target specific areas and ensure you are getting the proper range of motion that your body needs. Assisted stretching is a directed approach to improving the overall health of your joints and muscles.

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Bio – Mechanical Assessment W/ Corrective Exercise Prescription

Even professional athletes aren’t always mechanically sound. Those who sign up for assessments will be examined by team members experienced in kinesiology and physiology. Once the assessment is complete, you’ll be provided with corrective exercises that will improve any musculoskeletal imbalances, reduce potential pain, and improve athletic performance.


Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

At Evolution Physical Therapy, we offer blood flow restriction therapy or training (BFRT) to help patients make greater strength gains in their arms and legs while lifting lighter loads.

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Bodi Trak Force Plate

Force plate tests can help players get back into the game or improve their technique by providing insight into range of motion, stability, and weight distribution while performing an action. These tests are most often used by golfers, although those suffering from chronic pain, balance issues, or those looking to increase athletic performance can equally benefit.

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Boot Camp

At Evolution Physical Therapy, our boot camp training is focused on weight training, metabolic conditioning, and high-volume muscular development circuits, allowing you to progress week after week. This program can be modified to fit all levels of activity.

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Evolution offers cardio workouts as part of our group fitness classes, using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. This total body workout will improve your cardiovascular health and endurance while helping you prevent future injuries.

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Climber-Specific Rehab

Our team at Evolution are specialized in helping climbers regain control again after climbing-related injuries, and supporting those in the sport with technique assessment and climber-specific physical therapy rehabilitation.

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Cold Plunge

Cold plunge is a complete immersion into cold water. You may find that you enjoy the sensation of immersing in the cold water after a workout, but cold plunge has a long list of benefits, including alleviating post-exercise soreness, reducing swelling, reducing cortisol levels, and boosting energy.

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Corporate Wellness

The Evolution team will work with your company, regardless of size, to improve fundamental issues our bodies face when working at a desk on a daily basis. Corporate wellness consults help improve both morale and productivity!

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Deep Tissue/Sports Massage

At Evolution, a deep tissue/sports massage is used to treat musculoskeletal issues and is often recommended for individuals suffering from muscle pain, soreness, or fatigue. This technique is great for rehab and recovery from sports-related injuries.

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Electrical Stimulation

At Evolution Physical Therapy, we use electrical stimulation to help strengthen muscles, block pain signals, and improve blood circulation. It's a helpful treatment for patients dealing with pain, spasms, inflammation, or muscle weakness.

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Fitness Classes

Our group fitness classes include TRX, cardio, boot camp, strength training, functional mobility, sport conditioning, youth boot camp, and mat Pilates. The first class is FREE, and we offer packages for 10 and 20 classes or unlimited monthly sessions.


Functional Dry Needling

Functional dry needling (FDN) is a technique used by our team at Evolution Physical Therapy to treat myofascial pain, which is a chronic condition affecting the musculoskeletal system.

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Functional Movement Screen

Functional Movement Screens are a key tool for the Evolution team to identify imbalances related to seven fundamental movement patterns.
We'll use your FMS fitness assessment to improve both your mobility and stability.

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Group Fitness Classes

Our group fitness classes incorporate our advanced training practices by allowing multiple participants per trainer. Classes include cardio, strength exercises, functional mobility, mat Pilates, and much more!


Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Evolution Physical Therapy utilizes Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) to locate and treat patients with soft tissue dysfunction effectively.

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Joint Mobilization & Manipulation

Our physical therapy team uses joint mobilization and manipulation as part of your overall treatment. The goal of these manual techniques is to improve the mobility and function of your soft tissues, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.


Lacrosse Shot Speed Training

Evolution offers a 12-week strength and conditioning program for high school lacrosse players to get them prepared for collegiate level training and competition. The Shot Speed Training is facilitated by our doctors of physical therapy and former Division I athletes.

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LSVT BIG for Parkinson’s

LSVT BIG is used by our physical therapists to train people with Parkinson's disease to use their body more normally, regardless of the stage or severity of their condition. This treatment produces significant improvements for even those facing considerable physical difficulties.


Manual Therapy

Evolution Physical Therapy provides manual therapy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to help patients increase blood flow, tissue flexibility, and range of motion using various hands-on techniques.

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Medical Massage

At Evolution Physical Therapy, we offer medical massages to help reduce pain and stress, particularly for cancer or fibromyalgia patients. Our team has advanced training and experience which allows them to focus on healing injuries, improving function, and increasing circulation.

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Mobility Session (FRCms)

Our mobility sessions led by a Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms) include a wide range of exercises designed to get you moving and help improve your range of motion through all your joints.


Nutrition Counseling

To reach your peak self, you need both a sound body and mind. Use our nutrition services to enhance your healthy lifestyle, improve your mental health, and maximize your workouts.

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Orthopedic Injury Rehabilitation

Orthopedic rehabilitation is a therapeutic approach to recovery used to correct musculoskeletal limitations and alleviate pain from trauma, illness, or surgery. Our team will develop a customized program based on your specific injury or condition.

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Pedal Fit

Unique to our Denver office, Pedal Fit is a unique type of PT that incorporates a complete physical evaluation combined with integrated therapy through cycling. Pedal Fitis a modern and unique form of therapy because it takes into account your goals and allows you to make modifications to your bike and its components.

Personal training

Personal Training

If you prefer the individual attention of working one-on-one with a coach, Evolution offers 30- and 60-minute personal training packages from 1 to 20 sessions. We also provide a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) for $50.

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Pilates involves a range of movements used to engage the abdominals, lengthen muscles, and increase strength and flexibility while preventing aches and pains. We offer one-on-one and duo sessions.

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Post-Concussion Management

For those recovering from a concussion, physical therapy can help reduce pain in the head and neck, loosen tense muscles, help improve your balance, and more.

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Prenatal Massage

Our physical therapists at Evolution use prenatal massage therapy to help reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pain, and improve labor outcome and newborn health for expecting mothers.


PT Circuit Classes

Evolution offers PT circuit classes for core, upper body, and lower body strengthening. This quick, effective full-body workout targets different muscle groups and involves a variety of exercises to help you reach your goals in record time.

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Recovery Boots

Recovery boots offer full foot, ankle, and leg compression therapy using sequential, dynamic air compression to improve circulation, enhance performance, and speed up recovery post-exercise.

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Recovery Services

We are pleased to offer a number of recovery services as part of a personalized physical therapy plan.

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Reformer Rehab (Pilates)

Our physical therapists offer private sessions that integrate the principles of pilates into a comprehensive rehabilitation program. Pilates is a whole-body exercise that promotes agility, strength, and good posture and can be modified to meet an injured patient's needs in their current state.

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Return to Sport Testing

After a sports injury, Return to Sport Testing can be performed by a physical therapist to ensure you are mentally and physically prepared to resume sports activities, all the while minimizing re-injury.

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Run Club

Many of our locations, especially on the West Coast, have clubs set up to enjoy running as a group. We also have many collaborations with local organizations, such as the LA Road Runners, LA Tri Club, and Adidas Runners.

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Run Smart

This program is an injury prevention/enhancement program specifically designed for runners. Due to the repetitive nature of running, overuse and repetitive strain injuries are common.

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Running Evaluation & Gait Analysis

Running itself will not cause injury to your feet, legs, and hips - it's the way you run. Most runners take well over 1,000 steps per mile, so even a slightly skewed gait can become a problem. Your physical therapist can perform a gait analysis to understand your movements and recommend specific exercises to strengthen your core muscles and improve balance.

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The use of a sauna during recovery can be an effective treatment for some individuals to add to their therapy routine. The benefits are increased circulation, while inviting heat relaxes and alleviates tense muscles.

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Soft Tissue Mobilization & Massage

Evolution provides soft tissue mobilization (STM) and massage for patients dealing with pain, stiffness, and functional limitations. This hands-on technique can help to improve range of motion and restore your ability to perform daily tasks.

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Spine Care

There are many conditions that can hinder mobility or cause injury to the spine. Because of that, our physical therapists work on custom treatment plans according to each individual, incorporating methods such as the Maitland-Australian Approach, the McKenzie Method, and other appropriate therapies.

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Sport Conditioning

Sports conditioning is a year-round activity for many athletes. Evolution Physical Therapy offers sports conditioning to improve athletic performance, including speed, strength, and power, and prevent or reduce the risk of injury.

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Strength Training

Integrate strength training into your overall fitness routine with the help of Evolution Physical Therapy. One of our licensed physical therapists will guide you through specific exercises to reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently.

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Supplement Store

Some of our locations may sell supplements that are often used in physical therapy or recommended by our therapists. For your convenience, we do our best to offer these products directly to our patients.

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Surf-Specific Training & Injury Rehab

Surf-specific training and injury rehab at Evolution teaches the foundations of strength training and mobility to prepare you for longer surf sessions, quicker surf recovery, higher performance surfing with injury prevention, and more.

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Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a common massage technique used by our physical therapists that aims to promote relaxation by reducing muscle tension. It's very helpful for those who hold a lot of tension in their lower back, shoulders, and neck.



Evolution Physical Therapy offers telehealth services at all of our clinics to accommodate patients with different needs. Enjoy convenient access to high-quality care and achieve your goals from the comfort of your home.


Therapeutic Cupping

Therapeutic Cupping (or Myofascial Decompression) is a therapy that helps treat several musculoskeletal disorders by using suction to create negative pressure underneath the cup.

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Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

At Evolution, our team uses vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) to alleviate problems caused by vestibular disorders, such as vertigo and dizziness, gaze instability, and/or imbalance and falls.

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Due to the high number of snow-sport related injuries seen in our clinic, we felt it imperative to provide a dry-land conditioning program that met the specific demands of snow riding and reduced the risk of serious injury.

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Women’s Health

Our physical therapists are trained in a variety of different treatment options for women's health, most commonly related to lymphedema, prenatal/postpartum symptoms, pelvic floor weakness, incontinence, and mastectomies.

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Youth Training (Boot Camp)

At Evolution Physical Therapy, we offer a boot camp designed for young athletes who are looking to kick start their fitness goals. The program combines cardio and strength in one session and is a great way to burn calories and fat, stay fit, and make some new friends!

Benefits of Physical Therapy Services

Physical therapy aids in restoring the mobility, function, and movement in the affected area of the body. A customized physical therapy treatment plan can help individuals return to their prior level of functioning, and it encourages activities and lifestyle changes to improve overall health and well-being. Physical therapy provides the following list of benefits, among others:

Who Should Consider Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy helps people of all ages who have a medical condition, injury, or illness that limits their ability to move and function properly. Your primary care physician may refer you to a physical therapist after surgery, a car accident, or to address low back pain. 

Some of the most common reasons people seek physical therapy care and treatment include:

Learn More About Physical Therapy at Your Nearest Evolution Location

Are you dealing with pain or limited range of motion due to an injury or chronic illness? Find your nearest Evolution location to schedule an appointment with a licensed physical therapist today!

We’re Making People Move Again

We are confident that Evolution offers the best Physical Therapy, but don’t take our word for it. See what other patients have to say about their personalized care and treatment with us!

I've lived a full active life with frequent Physical Therapy opportunities. I am currently recovering from a full knee replacement. I chose Evolution as a result of a recommendation from my at home PT immediately following surgery. I have been pleased with Evolution overall as they are well run, have convenient locations, clean up-to-date facilities, take insurance etc. However, the most important reason is the therapy itself. I was assigned Anna Lee who is helping me navigate one of the hardest situations I've ever been in. She is knowledgeable, professional, hard working, accountable and most of all, empathetic. This hasn't been easy, but it's likely the best PT experience I've had. I would recommend Anna to anyone and I assure you as I navigate this nasty thing called old age, I will seek her assistance in the future.
Bart nelson
Bart Nelson
Kara has been amazing. She helped my 10 year old twins be pain free after having leg pain for 5 years. She was so thorough in her evaluation and throughout her therapy with them. She made PT so fun for them they looked forward to going. Kara is the best!
I highly recommend Evolution. Very professional staff who take a personal interest in the patients recovery process. I have been working with Jon who is very knowledgeable and has put together a rehab plan that has me recovering faster than I expected. Thanks so much!
James smith
James Smith
Jennifer was very professional and helpful in treating my lower back problems. Through her expertise and a variety of techniques and exercises, I am now pain-free. I highly recommend her!
Ava ku
Ava Ku
Very professional from the moment you walk in through the whole experience. Everyone getting help is on a journey, and you see them being encouraged by caring PTs to get better, try a little harder. Erika is very knowledgeable and has helped me tremendously through many running injuries over a lot of years.
Dionne mcneff
Dionne McNeff
I'm very pleased with Kara's attitude and care. I recommend her.
Nestor otazu
Nestor Otazu
Lindsay and the whole staff of Evolution P/T are very knowledgeable, patient and friendly.
Susan mann
Carole is amazing at what she does. She is really helping me recover from 2 ankle surgeries. I can really feel the difference from other therapist I’ve had.
Aaron medina
Aaron Medina
Daniel is an amazing physical therapist - his knowledge and care for his patients far surpasses anywhere else I’ve been. He fine tunes his programs to suit his patients’ daily needs, which means he pays attention!
Excellent help for my problem from Daniel
Betty halac
Betty Halac
Very knowledgeable and experienced staff
Jeanie butler
Jeanie Butler
I had a great experience at Evolution PT. The facilities are clean & everyone is so friendly. My therapist, Mitchell, was super knowledgeable, professional and patient with me. He helped me develop an exercise plan for my torn meniscus that has so far helped me avoid the need for surgery. Highly recommend Evolution PT.
I came to Evolution from a doctor’s recommendation after a knee injury prevented me from running. 8 weeks later I am back to running pain free!My physical therapist Jen was super knowledgeable and taught me a lot about my body and what I need to do to be able to run and operate at peak performance for the rest of my life! I had to work hard for it but with Jen’s guidance my progress was very consistent!
Lorenzo gentile
Lorenzo Gentile
The instructor Ted is awesome.
Revital amir
Revital Amir
I have chronic back and hip issues; although a candidate for surgery postponing indefinitely. After a few searches and reviews decided to try this location. Front desk team were helpful and informative regarding insurance plan (Medicare+supplemental). Easy to schedule. There is metered and side street parking. I always found a spot. Be prepared and patient though.Erica Seto was awesome; she reviewed my both MRIs provided comforting feedback, explained her process. I had my own patient portal so I could continue the recommended exercises at home.I practice Tai Chi regularly, she helped identify why I had issues with some of the poses; easy corrections.Highly recommend Erica and this location. This is an active and lively location. Very upbeat and positive team.
Bobbi odonnell
Bobbi ODonnell
Hello. My name is Vivian Chinelli. I highly recommend my physical therapist, Jonathan Bernfeld. He is extremely knowledgeable, professional, encouraging and fun! He's helped me move through my range of motion issues caused by frozen shoulder very quickly. Just a few more tweaks and I'll be free and clear of movement and pain issues.
Rick chinelli
Rick Chinelli
Mitchell McLaughlin has truly helped me by taking the time to access my injury and by continually adjusting my stretching/strengthening routine. His knowledge of the body and concern and care for my injury make him a truly effective physical therapist. My injury is 5 years old and he’s the first one to address the root causes of my injury. I’m stronger and in less pain after only 4 weeks of pt. The environment at Evolution PT is open and easy going. Always greeted with a smile, and cancelling/rescheduling (w/24 hours notice) is simple. There is ample street parking in all directions.
Joe feldman
Joe Feldman
Jonathan Bernfeld is a truly knowledgeable and gifted physical therapist— he understands anatomy and is highly skilled. And he really cares about his patients. Jonathan substantially improved my pain and stiffness. I would definitely recommend John for anyone in need of physical therapy.
Stewart levin
Stewart levin
Lauren great!!!
Eugene tuch
Eugene Tuch
I came to Evolution Physical Therapy to heal a knee injury so I could get back to training for my next marathon. Dr. Carole Gong has been absolutely wonderful in assessing my weaknesses and teaching me the exercises I need to build strength and heal quickly. She is compassionate and, as a runner herself, understands how important the sport is to me. More importantly, having a reliable physical therapy program gives you the confidence and freedom to know that you are on the path to recovery so you can get back to doing the life activities you love. The patients here come from a wide spectrum of backgrounds in their physical needs, from post-surgery healing to age-related mobility issues to athletic people recovering from injuries. Everyone is welcome. The Evolution facilities in Beverly Hills are clean and well maintained, and the front desk is well organized and efficiently run with scheduling and billing. Highly recommended!
Baolu lan
Baolu Lan
Jennifer is a life saver. She is kind, patient, methodical and professional. If you need physical therapy, don’t look elsewhere. I have been there and done that.
Daniel elihu
Daniel Elihu
Evolution PT has been excellent for strengthening my neck to return to running.Carol Gong has been my PT therapist. She’s very professional and experienced. I’ve gotten the tools /exercises to become aware of what I can do myself @ home to relieve neck pain, strengthen neck/shoulders/back and continue my running routine. Evolution works with you with exercises @ each session. It gets you into the routine of doing the important exercises!
Sheila walton
Sheila Walton
One wonderful thing about by terrible bike accident has been getting to work with the best PT in L.A., Dr. Ethan. The charisma he brings to his work is beyond compare. Ethan doesn't just treat his patients he forms relationships with them; you'll feel his support and care from the moment you walk in. Watching him nurture junior staff and help young kids recovering from injuries during their jr. sport career with passion and presence is simply a joy. His slappin playlists, lively personality and humor keep every session fresh and fun. I wouldn't have kept up with my recovery with out this sensational human <3
Melissa braxton
Melissa Braxton
I had the pleasure of working with Lauren Lee and highly recommend her to anyone looking for a PT. From our initial evaluation, she correctly diagnosed my injury (later proven correct through an MRI) that my primary care doctor had misdiagnosed, and she properly designed my treatment plan accordingly. She is also extremely easy to work with, caring, encouraging, and knowledgeable. Definitely 5/5 and would return myself for my next injury.
Joshua p
Joshua P
I am having Physical Therapy to help reduce the pain in my shoulder. I am getting great attention... helping me work on better form with everyday exercises (bench press) and simple exercises that help build the smaller shoulder muscles. Carole has been great. I have just started but already seeing improvement in mobility.
Robert fogarty
Robert Fogarty
Great place for PT. Krysia is fantastic.
Kara Pilar is a great PT! Very knowledgable and patient--highly recommend!
Kathryn weber
Kathryn Weber
Can't ask for better care. Nick Davis has been nothing but amazing since I've started working with him. I highly recommend him. I've tried other physical therapists before and none of them come close.
Meir gohary
meir gohary
Great local office for PT. Clean facilities and good therapists.
David golbahar
David Golbahar
Working your way back from an injury can be a long and lonely road. And that's why I'm so grateful evolution is helping me back. Parmis greeted me on my first day and immediately put me at ease. She's designed a really smart schedule to get me healed. I actually look forward to coming as I feel better after each session. Parmis is really skilled and knows what you should be doing at various points of healing and makes sure you do exercises right. She also has an intuition of how hard you can push yourself. Her guidance is invaluable as she helps you push yourself to get maximum benefit, but not to the point of doing more harm than good. I'm thankful she's been so patient with me and just a few sessions in, I'm already seeing great results. And I'm confident to make a solid recovery following her plan!
Matt krantz
Matt Krantz
Great PT
Jeff selick
Jeff Selick
If you are a professional athlete or athletic hobbyist with an injury – Bo is the PT you need! I am a passionate aerialist who tore my distal bicep tendon (intermediate tear) from an unrelated accident. To say I was devastated is an understatement. I went from flying on silks to not being able to lift a glass! Anyone with a serious injury that may limit your day to day, let alone prevent you continuing with your athletic career or passion, can understand that shattering feeling that your old life is over. My surgeon suggested trying PT before the risk of surgery, and I will admit I was skeptical on what I could get from PT after a lifetime of dance, yoga and aerial has given me a decent knowledge of muscles and fitness - but the tendon injury was another beast and the more I learned about the injury the more depressing it seemed. In researching for PT with aerial-like and athletic expertise, I found Evolution and specifically Bo who is a climber and paraglider in his own time among other athletic pursuits.My experience has been beyond what I could have hoped for. Bo is wonderful for anyone with an injury, but definitely for athletes that need a bit more. Throughout my healing journey, Bo has been such a positive force. He listened so carefully at each session and tailored exercises skillfully to the precise muscles I needed to strengthen (or rest), always adjusting creatively as needed. Evolution also has more advanced techniques like BFR which certainly helped in the early stages of healing. I was amazed how quickly Bo got me back to functionality, and he has not stopped until I regained the strength and confidence needed for the aerial silks, working not just the injury but all of the necessary supporting muscles to get me safely back to flying circus style! There are no words for how relieved and grateful I am to be able to get back to my happy place in the aerial silks – and without surgery!!Evolution in general is outstanding and you can’t go wrong with the PT’s there. The staff are all wonderful, the atmosphere welcoming and the sessions always flew by. They handle all kinds of PT patients of all ages but treat everyone with equal patience and encouragement, whether you are just trying to get back to everyday functionality or more advanced athletic pursuits. But if you are a serious athlete that needs help from an injury or surgery, I can’t recommend Bo highly enough to get you back on your feet…or swinging from your arms 😉
Saraswati yogi
Saraswati Yogi
I felt so much better after my first visit.
Jany davenport
Jany Davenport
Excellent place to go if you need physical therapy. Been working with Parmis and she's great. In fact, all the staff are super-helpful and pros.
Bill groak
Bill Groak

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