Dynamic Stability – It’s a Wonderful Thing

by Mike Giunta, DPT, CSCS >> Request an Appointment

Challenging your balance is an activity that will beneficially contribute to your overall performance and, as an added benefit, help prevent injury. Many weekend warriors and other athletes are unaware of how poor their dynamic stability is until attempting exercises such as the ones below. If you’re unable to perform these exercises as demonstrated, start by performing them on the floor and then increase the instability of the surface below as you improve: Ground floor > Foam pad > Round side of a Bosu ball > Platform side of a Bosu ball.

Single Leg Step Back on Bosu (2 x 10 reps each side)

Start by balancing on one leg on the platform side of the Bosu ball. Keeping your weight on the front leg, reach back and tap the ground as far as able with the free leg. Keep the chest up and core engaged throughout the movement. Finish in the upright position with glute squeezed tightly.

Single Leg 3-Way Reach on Bosu (2 x 10 reps each side)

Start by balancing on one leg on the platform side of the Bosu. Reach forward, out to the side and then posterior-lateral with the free leg tapping the toe on the floor each time. Finish each rep in the upright starting position with the glute activated. One rep includes all 3 motions: forward, side and behind.

Resisted Single Leg Balance with Hip Abduction on Bosu (2 x 10 reps each side)

With a resistance band around the knees, balance on one leg on the platform side of the Bosu. Keeping the core engaged and your weight over the stance leg, move the knee away from the stance leg in a diagonal direction as far as able and then return it to center.

Single Leg RDL to Ball Slam on Bosu (2 x 10 reps each side)

Holding the desired weighted ball, perform an RDL, but reach forward keeping the back straight and tap the ball to the front side of the Bosu. Return to the starting position with the ball overhead and forcibly slam the ball on the ground. Catch the ball in the lowered position and work to stabilize yourself in order to return to the upright position.

Try out these exercises and let us know where your dynamic stability stands!

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