Prenatal pregnancy pain and weakness

Physical Therapy for Prenatal (Pregnancy) Pain and Weakness

You’re pregnant, and it’s time to start picking out names, thinking about the nursery decor, buying an exercise ball, and penning your birth plan. And physical therapy? That’s for after, right?

Not so fast. Just as important as exercising, eating healthy, and consulting with your OB or doula comes pain management. For many women, you can expect back aches, poor sleep, carpal tunnel, pelvic floor dysfunction, fatigue, or any combination of the above. Fortunately, this is where physical therapy can help. It more than helps, but rather offers relief that carries you through your pregnancy and into postpartum. 

At Evolution, we have dedicated physical therapists who specialize in women’s health issues, including treating prenatal pain and weakness and addressing the root cause.

Causes of Pregnancy Pain and/or Weakness

During pregnancy, there are a number of physical changes to your body as it grows to accommodate a growing baby. While some situations can be serious, such as hyperemesis gravidarum, miscarriage or preeclampsia, for a majority of women, some pain and discomfort is to be expected. It is common to experience fatigue, back pain in both the upper and lower back, some nausea and stomach ache, headaches, more frequent urination, carpal tunnel, leg cramps, joint pain, and more.  

The underlying cause for pain during pregnancy can stem from the uterus putting pressure on muscles, ligaments, and nerves, thus causing backaches, pelvic pain, mild stabbing pains, leg cramps, headaches, and a general feeling of malaise. At the same time, changes in hormone levels cause the ligaments around joints to loosen, leaving you with that wobbly feeling as you walk. As your body adjusts, you can experience round ligament pain, sciatica, and the common side effects of pregnancy listed above such as carpal tunnel and joint pain.

Can You Go to Physical Therapy While Pregnant?

Yes, physical therapy is considered a highly effective form of managing your pain and discomfort while you are pregnant. With a focus on strengthening and stretching, you can expect not only a reduction in symptoms but a reasonable reduction in complications during and after childbirth.

Some treatments may include:

  • Stretching
  • Manual therapy
  • Prenatal massage
  • Pelvic Floor therapy
  • Relaxation techniques

When Should You Start Prenatal Physical Therapy?

You can start some types of physical therapy as early as the first trimester as a preventative. This can help with issues such as impeding posture changes and help you build a foundation of strength and flexibility throughout your pregnancy. Incorporating stretches and specialized exercises just for pregnant people can go a long way in helping you through your pregnancy journey.

Visit a Physical Therapist for Pregnancy Pain and Weakness

Are you planning to have a baby or soon to give birth?  At Evolution Physical Therapy, we have locations in California, Colorado, Connecticut, and Long Island, with specialist PT providers that offer a range of physical therapy services and help to provide you with the treatment, education, and additional support you need throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Reach out to us today, by calling us to set up an appointment at a location near you, or filling out our Request an Appointment form.